Wednesday 6 December 2017


When making our music video, costume is something we will consider to portray our characters and add to the narrative. 

In the beginning of the video, our protagonist will wake up wearing a high school hoodie. We have decided to do this as we feel it will create a good effect, because as well as introducing the age of the character, it also suggests a theme of the past, which continues to be an important theme within the video. The idea of a high school leavers hoodie shows that the character has left school, a structured part of life, and is perhaps wearing the hoodie in an attempt to hold on to this easier version of the past. Use of a hoodie is also significant as it is used commonly to be relaxed and comfortable, something the protagonist is also likely trying to achieve following their breakup. 

In the majority of the video, our female protagonist wears a t-shirt, skirt and coat, all following a black and white colour scheme. We wanted this character to wear a skirt as we felt it reinforced female stereotypes, her femininity something we wanted to get across as it also makes sense with the narrative of her upset over her break-up with the male character. 

For our male character, we have chosen a simple costume of jeans, t-shirt, and a coat, all following a colour scheme of black and grey. 
This style follows the average expectation of a young male, thereby showing his normalcy as a character, and as a typical ex-boyfriend. The relate-ability of this common character makes the narrative more realistic and perhaps relatable to the audience of a similar age. 


Evaluation Question 4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Q4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? from Lucy Hiscox