Monday 8 January 2018


For our music videos narrative, we needed two actors, a male and female, to play our broken-up couple that the story revolves around. 
The character we needed to consider carefully was the female character, who was required to portray an image of anger and sadness due to their heartbreak. In order to make this portrayal realistic, we wanted to use someone who had experience in dramatic acting. This is why we asked Caitlin Mapes, a 17-year-old who has performed onstage in multiple productions, and has worked with us before in our year 12 Thriller Opening production. Caitlin was required to fake cry and perform a tantrum for part of our video, a task we knew we needed someone comfortable with both our group to witness and to be filmed, so we made sure she was confident with that before we cast her. 
We also needed to cast our male actor, who although does not feature as heavily in the video as the female character, was also a key part of the narrative to consider. We chose Pippin Casbourne for this role, as along with his acting background, he is the same age and similar height of Caitlin, allowing us to level our shots of them both together better and for the narrative to be more believable. 

Sunday 7 January 2018


When filming for our video, we wanted to plan out our set/location to make it as authentic as possible. This was mostly needed when we shot the tantrum scene at the end of the music video, as we knew our set would need to be carefully prepared so when it would be moved around during the shoot (e.g. when the female character throws items off the desk) we could easily reset the room so everything would be the same before we shot again. To do this we took pictures of the layout - this saved us from continuity errors as it ensured the layout of items were the same. 

The use of a rack of magazines as part of the protagonists bedroom constructed a realism to the fact she is an ordinary female going through a breakup the audience could also relate to. 

This set-up of the desk was formulated to look like an average unorganised teenage bedroom, to create realism of the idea this was the protagonists bedroom. 

Evaluation Question 4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Q4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? from Lucy Hiscox