Monday 19 June 2017

Choosing a Song

When making our music video, the song we choose has importance, as its features such the dynamics and genre, dictate the content of the music video we make. Our group individually chose bands and artists we felt we could use, and shortlisted a number of four songs to choose from. To help us decide we used this planning sheet, which gave us a visual representation about how we felt about the songs we listened to. 

Two Songs We Plan to Choose From:

Text Me
This song, written and performed by a five piece pop punk band, had a good upbeat tune that could work well with a music video of a fast pace. The lyrics discuss a broken relationship, and would create a strong narrative. Something that could also work well is the title "Text Me", as we could incorporate texts into the narrative, and perhaps use a phone as a motif.

This song, performed by pop-indie artist Finn Doherty, has a slow yet upbeat melody, which could create a slow to fast paced more emotional song. The opening of the song has a beat before the chorus kicks in which we could use to edit our shots to. It has a unique sound that could in turn create a unique video, allowing us to experiment with different ideas.

From the songs we have looked at, we will choose Process, as the overall tune is something our group all feel works well with our ideas.

1 comment:

  1. This is a start, but the blog post isn't complete. Here are the instructions for the next part:
    Embed the music for the four songs on your final shortlist.
    Write a paragraph evaluating the suitability of each these four songs. Write about the areas below. You must use the key words in your evaluation. Tick them off as you use them! Look them up online if you don’t understand them!
    Is the song catchy (Key words: hook, riff, engaging, catchy )
    Does it have clear sections (Key words: structure, introduction, verse, pre-chorus, chorus, middle eight / bridge, outro)
    Describe the dynamics (key words: crescendo, build, climax)
    Does it have a clear beat (rhythm – this can be created by drums or other instruments like guitars)
    Are the lyrics appropriate
    Are the lyrics inspiring
    Does the song have a clear genre / sub genre (Key words: hybridity, conventions)
    Briefly: what ideas have you got about making this into a music video?
    Write a conclusion explaining which song you’ve chosen and why.


Evaluation Question 4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Q4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? from Lucy Hiscox