Monday 12 March 2018

Final Print Production Draft Idea

In my print productions I want to use the original photos from our photoshoot, and overlap them with a line drawing. I feel the simplicity of this minimalist design will create a professional look, as simple designs tend to be more widely appreciated by a younger audience (18-25), because of the modern influence it achieves. 
I quickly sketched out ideas on my chosen photos, using a digital drawing program to create a white line effect as I drew around the features. Although I like this design, I may try to make the lines more curved and straighter in my final design as I feel like this would make it look less rushed and give more of a professional outcome. 

Friday 9 March 2018

Final Music Video

Print Production Sketch Ideas

Final Logo Design

Logo Ideas

In this logo design I have used a plus sign shape, the bold lines creating a vivid symbol that stands out. The plus sign is something I have taken inspiration from with other male artists such as Ed Sheeran, who has also used this symbol. I have put Finn Doherty's name in the centre, only including his first name in an experimental idea that this could become part of his brand identity, first names very popular in the music industry (e.g. Adele, Madonna etc.)
Although I like the simplicity of this minimalist design, I'm not entirely sure its bold style fits with the Indie-pop genre. 

Using Finn's initials instead of his full name could be a good idea in terms of creating a brand identity as it is something original and simple to understand. I have used a bold black and white design again as I feel this stands out and is easy to replicate and remember, useful when wanting to create a brand identity for an artist. 

This oval design, although simple like the other designs, could perhaps look too amateurish, as it is evidently very simply made. Although the font could fit the pop-indie genre due to it's minimalist simplicity, it does not fit the idea of my print productions, which I hope to link my logo to in order to further establish a brand identity. 

This logo design uses a simple minimalist style, and although is straightforward, is easy to remember. Using the full name of the artist also seems like a good idea when establishing a brand identity, as this name would be found on multiple online platforms, and would make it easier to link the artist to his work. The font (Dolce Vita) also works well in my link to my print productions and the pop-indie genre. Because of this, this is the logo design I will choose.

Print Production photoshoot - possible images

Audience Profile

Thursday 8 March 2018


When making my print productions I am planning to choose two fonts to incorporate into my design, both that will compliment each other as well as the tone of the album and fit the pop-indie genre.

Artist Name Fonts (Finn Doherty) 

When considering what font I wanted to use for the artist name on the album, I decided I wanted clear text that stood out. I will be considering capitalised sans-serif fonts, as I feel these will be bold and make the artist name stand out on the cover. A bold font would also work well because it would be the largest text on the design.

These fonts (chosen from all have a similar style in that they are distinct and understandable, without being too conspicuous. I want to ensure the font I choose does not distract the viewer from the rest of the design, but is also captivating. 
The font I will be using is Dolce Vita, as I feel its bold rounded effect will work well when used to write a name, and its slanted effect on individual letters allows it to have an interesting design that will not take away from the design of the rest of my print production pieces. 

Album Title Font (where do we go?)

For the album name, I want the font to be very different to the artist name font, but also complimentary. I feel a font more illusory and stylish could work well, as an alternative look would create a strong link to the alternative genre of pop-indie. 

A script font would work well with my hope to achieve a stylish look. This font - bullgati - is simple but effective in its script style, as it creates a professional look but is also easy to understand. 

This font - also a script font style - is similar in that it has a similar chic stylish look, however the narrowness of the lines could mean it would not stand out on the album cover. Another consideration is that this font could lean too much towards a pretentious portrayal of the album, and does not entirely fit the pop-indie genre. 

The script font I will be using is Bullgati, as I feel like of the two, its more bold design would compliment the first chosen font better, and is easier to understand. It is also less of an italic style, which improves it because it means it is not as overambitious, subsequently fitting the pop-indie genre. 

Practice design of fonts together:

Evaluation Question 4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Q4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? from Lucy Hiscox